Bank Monitoring
Together with VR-NetWorld GmbH, azobit has developed the Social-Media-Box – the monitoring and editorial tool of VR-Banking. Now you can also enjoy the benefits of Bank Monitoring. With the help of your tool, you can keep the reputation of your competitors in view.
Through the alarm system of Social-Media-Box, you can react in time and take the necessary action. As well as the alarm system and the monitoring service, bank Monitoring allows you to have the possibility to create reports easily and effortlessly, that you can export as a PDF document and pass on purposefully.
Customers voice
Since 2010 we monitor, together with azobit, the web for VR-Banks. Our VR-Banks save a lot of time and money in this way, as they have public opinion always in view. And if it does happen that a negative review appears not only are the banks informed, but they also receive advice on how to handle it. A great thing!!
Boris Janek
Manager Digital Business + Innovation, VR-NetWorld GmbH
Advantages of Bank Monitoring:
- Be aware of the mood in the web
- Keep competitors in view
- Recognize chances, risks and trends
- Reputation management
- Numerous evaluations and export possibilities